Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector with Free Shipping

"Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector"

If you are want to see all deals and compare price of Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector in the best discount, here is the guide, we will give you some product features for Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector, also we can point you where to get the most discount place

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Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector - You may need these features

  • CAT III 1000V, CATIV 600V Safety through Non-Metallic-Contact Testing
  • Clamp Diameter: 10 to 40 mm max.
  • Detect phase with red LED signal rotation and buzzer
  • Voltage range: 70V to 1000V AC
  • Frequency: 45/66 Hz

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    CAT III 1000V, CATIV 600V Safety through Non-Metallic-Contact Testing.Clamp Diameter: 10 to 40 mm max..Detect phase with red LED signal rotation and buzzer.Voltage range: 70V to 1000V AC.Frequency: 45/66 Hz..

    At This moment, "Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector" is available with special offers, Check out Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector at lowest price

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    "Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector"

    Reference Information: Hioki 3129-10 Large Clip Non-Metal Contact Phase Detector

    All information above is posed on 2012-05-18, some data and price may be changed.